Workshop Coordinator - Sean Bryan

Sean Bryan is an accomplished theatre maker, performer, producer and arts administrator with over fifteen years of industry experience throughout Australia, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Europe. His training includes a Diploma Of Theatre Arts from Swinburne University of Technology, along with certifications from the Off-Broadway Alliance and Commercial Theatre Institute.

Sean has developed and delivered educational content and facilitated workshops through a variety of partners including World Science Festival, Ipswich Libraries, Big Mouth Theatre, Youth Touring and Queensland Music Festival, for students in both primary and senior school. With his own company Brymore Productions, alongside his wife Hollie Bryan, Sean has focussed on creating developmentally appropriate material that encourages growth and inspires creativity and imagination in children aged 0-12.

Sean's productions have been seen in major cities across the world including New York, London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Geneva, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and at home in Brisbane, and incorporate Australian premieres of Broadway musicals including [title of show], and new musicals including Margaret Fulton: Queen Of The Dessert and Facing East. His work for young audiences includes ARTISTEThe Bureau Of Untold Stories and What's In The Woods?

Sean is passionate about making the arts accessible for all ages, whether as audience members or active participants, and relishes the chance to share his knowledge with the next generation of arts professionals.


Marketing Assistant - Ada Lukin


Lead Facilitator - Martelle Simon-Green