Are you ready to REVEL IN THE QUEER?

Come one, come all as Revel in the Queer takes over Brisbane Powerhouse in an exhilarating celebration of the young and the young at heart.

Young LGBTQIA+ and questioning people are invited to this uplifting, safe space for an afternoon extravaganza of queer culture and identity. Roll up with friends & family to enjoy a queer megamix of local talent.

Featuring: The Architects of Sound, Bring A Plate Dance, Rhythmology, Revel Dance Crew, Lord Severus, Micah Rustichelli, Hope One and DJs Girls In Hats and Neitjah!

Revel in the afternoon sun, rejoice in spectacular performances, delight in delicious food, and connect with community to conjure bright futures together.

Revel in the Queer
Saturday 17 December 3pm-7pm
Brisbane Powerhouse, Turbine Platform

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